Mirror Mirror on the Wall You are the Most Misunderstood Design Accessory of All

Over the last few years ( after wallpaper and paint with personality dropped out of favor) I have watched different accessories trends come and go. People are always looking for something  unique and safe to hang on our nice beige or white walls.

Mirrors became the thing because they come in all sizes and price points and are safe for a non pro because they don't clash with anything and it does not take the commitment of a piece of art. What could be wrong with that?

I am going to give you a new perspective when  you  are considering using a mirror in your decorating plan.

I love to use mirrors in my projects! But I am aware of all the positive and negatives involved in the placement of reflective glass.
 For instance, a few months ago I was seated in a very trendy restaurant. The designer had used mirrors  abundantly in the decor and it had done all the things mirrors are suppose to do...made the space feel larger and  reflected the light fixtures to give more light to darker areas. However from my vantage point, I looked into a mirror that reflected the men's bathroom door.  So all my memories of that evening  are of seeing men come and go..literally.

Mirrors are what the reflect.

In this photo, although how I wish there was some color and pattern somewhere, The arch of the mirror is balanced perfectly to reflect the Chandelier. The smaller square mirror is useless as it reflects nothing but the white ceiling. This  is a stage magazine photo...they should know better.

 These folks must be very proud of their ceiling fan because you see it whenever you look into this huge mirror. I know they were not aware of it or they would not have posted it on Pinterest.  They probably still don't notice because it does have a great looking frame that enhances their decor but I am just sayin'...be careful where you place your mirror
 This is very elegant and this a ginormous mirror doing what it is supposed to do!
 Mirrors over mantels are so often the go to answer  to decorating, but they should reflect something more interesting than the white ceiling and fan.If it were hung maybe you would see something nice hung on the opposite wall, but the leaning angle guarantees lots of ceiling. 
So close!  A great entry statement.
What if it had a wonderful piece of art or tapestry with yellow and blues on the opposite wall?
And maybe the wall painted a very light shade of gold.
 There is a lot good about the use of mirror this  bathroom. It reflects the beautiful vanity mirrors  and lighting  but I DO NOT want to see myself getting in or out of a tub no matter how antiqued those mirrors are
Wall of mirror again reflecting the great things in this room. 2 times the elegance.

  Love this brick and the mantel and the stuff on the mantel but I want  so badly to replace that mirror with something else that does not make me look at the ceiling fan, ceiling and top of the window.
The mirror flanking the window  fills a space with something besides art work yet reflects other objects in the room.

I like the way the art on the wall is reflected so that you you get  a double shot of color as you leave the room.


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